Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Twin Kings Benevolent Goodness and Almighty Leader

The gentle giants Microsoft and China have teamed up to become a truly unstoppable entity. China ponies up its hundreds of millions of "human capital" and Microsoft sees their warm bodies with billions of dollars and, lo, we all yearn to know what they will come up with.

"Chinese bloggers using a new Microsoft service to post messages titled 'democracy,' 'capitalism,' 'liberty' or 'human rights' are greeted with a bright yellow warning." Microsoft, dancing the semantic rumba, says it's all been done before and nothing to get your noodle in a twist about. In the U.S., after all, the words "whore" and "pornography" are routinely blocked. See, no biggie.

Sadly, no one took into account the possibility that my Chinese brothers might wish to e-mail me a reminder that I am a "democratic whore," or direct me to their Flickr slideshow of "human rights pornography." Such short-sightedness from everyone, i swear.