Family Ties, Gags, Bounds

From: Janey Peterson []
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 12:47 PM
Subject: newsletter
Dear Friends,
I know it's been a long time since you've heard from us. Quite frankly, we were rendered speechless by the verdicts. Although our path to justice has been lengthened, we remain unwaivering in our knowledge of Scott's innocence. We continue to stand on the truth and we continue to seek justice.
We will be sending out a newsletter every 4-6 weeks from I will automatically add you to the list of those to receive the newsletter by e-mail. If you DO NOT want to receive the newsletter, just reply to this e-mail and type "Remove" in the subject. If you have been forwarding the updates or you know of anyone else who would like to receive the newsletter directly, they can log onto and enter their e-mail on the left side and click on the "subscribe" button.
Thank you for your continuing support.
The Peterson Family
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