Thursday, June 16, 2005

Grand Theft Auto: Surrey, BC

The Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team of British Columbia (IMPACT, naturally) , has developed a fleet of "baitcars” in an attempt to curb an epidemic of car theft in the Vancouver area. The vehicles -- which are tracked by GPS and equipped with audio and video-- are left for unsuspecting thieves, and the resulting images are posted on the site. In the video ONCOMING, a cranked-up car thief steals the bait car; tries, repeatedly and unsuccessfully, to fire a gun out the window; stops to break into another car to steal a Gameboy; rocks out to the Barenaked Ladies hit, If I Had a Million Dollars; and still manages to elude the police. Clearly he’s been playing his GTA. Next up for the IMPACT Team, Bait Bikes, Bait ATV, Bait Snowmobiles, and Bait Watercraft .