Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Pass the dutchie round the world

BBC News World Edition comes out swinging, with both fists clenched with bundles of stats, pow-pow-punching at the War on Drugs like it was Clubber Lang slowing in the third round. The first 4 paras are as follows:

- The number of people taking illegal drugs worldwide rose last year by about 15 million to 200 million, the UN annual drugs report says. POW!

- The value of the global drugs trade, which the report says is about $320bn, is higher than the gross domestic product of 90% of the world's nations. BIFF!

- It also says Afghanistan produced 87% of the world's illegal supplies of opium last year. BAMM!

- Cocaine production fell in Colombia, but rose in Peru and Bolivia. KABOOM!

And to all you midnight, midday, and midmorning tokers, thanks for making bud the most widely used drug: 160 million strong and rising.