A cruise ship sailing off Somalia has beaten back gunmen in speedboats who opened fire on it in an apparent pirate attack which terrified passengers. At least two boats closed in on the Seabourn Spirit, reportedly firing automatic weapons and a rocket-propelled grenade...One crew member was injured, but not seriously and the RPG missed completely. The passengers were told what was happening as the crew repelled the pirates with "an on-board loud acoustic bang".
Sounds like the kind of device that Cory and the Boing Boingers will get all excited about. Look out for the step by step instructions on how to build your own Pirate defense system in the near future.
Now if I can only find a story about a modern day Ninja attack my weekend will be complete.
That's the actual ship doing its thing just round the corner from where I'm sat. Luckily, we have Bobbies to stop this kind of thing from happening on the Thames.
Cruise ship repels Somali pirates - BBC News