Thursday, November 10, 2005

What Not To Wear

We thought that most teenagers would want to be seen wearing electronic ankle tags in the same way that sticking warning labels on music saw sales go up. Not in Worcester though and for the very simple reason that they aren't fashionable.

18 year-old Natasha Hughes breached the terms of her bail (after being accused of a little GBH) when she failed to answer her door to the police. She claimed that she was at home but asleep while the police obviously thought otherwise. A solution was suggested in the form of an electronic tag, but Hughes objected and what's more the court agreed with her:
"I didn't want to wear a tag because they are really bulky and embarrassing... I like to wear skirts which means people can see it and it looks stupid. I am pleased at the decision and am glad I don't have to be tagged"
Ahh bless. Maybe the police should have had one made up for her with a nice Burberry design.

She's due back in court to answer the GBH charge early in December and until then has to stay home between 9pm and 7am and isn't allowed back into the local YMCA.

Tag 'too bulky' for bail woman
- BBC News