Satan's Making A List, Checking It Twice...

Jan-Michael Vincent and Ernest Borgnine in Airwolf
The Top 10 Terrorist Wishlist:
#1. A nuclear bomb: 12 kilograms of plutononium is all it takes to make a nuclear bomb.
#2. A dirty nuke: A small amount of plutononium and uranium can make a radiation bomb. Everyone within 10 miles will die from radiation sickness. It can happen slowly over a period of a couple days before anyone realizes there is a radiation leak.
#3. A pinch: Otherwise known as an EMP. An Electro-Magnetic Pulse bomb causes a wave of electricity to go through a large area. It short circuits every computer and transitor in the area. See the movies "Ocean's Eleven" or the James Bond movie "Goldeneye" sometime.
#4. A long range ballistic missile: Not a nuke, but certainly enough to flatten a large bulding like the Empire State Building for example. Long range is a problem for terrorists because there is more chance that the United States will launch an anti-missile in time.
#5. A short range ballistic missile: There is almost no chance that someone could use an anti-missile against a short range missile fired from less than 20 km from the target. Packing the same damage as the long range, it also means the terrorists are more likely to get caught. However, the advantage of actually hitting the target (ie. the White House) is favourable.
#6. Anti-aircraft missile: Shooting down Air Force One or a commercial airliner will attract attention. Shooting it down over a city causes a greater effect however, as the plane can then crash into apartments in the middle of the city, or even houses in suburbia.
#7. Assault helicopter: An Apache helicopter (for example) with rockets & machines guns could shoot down airliners, assault the White House, blow up softer targets such as an oil company office building... and possibly even get away with it. Watch some old "Airwolf" shows from the 1980s and you'll get a better idea.
#8. Poison Gas: Everything from Saran gas to a simple mustard gas would be enough to kill everyone in a crowded subway.
#9. Germ Warfare: Much easier to come across than you'd think. Any pharmaceutical company could easily order samples of various diseases (including SARS) and then deliberately unleash those diseases in a populated place. A mall or airport in New York City would be a prime place to unleash such germs.
#10. ??? Thats the funny thing isn't it? There's so many deadly things out there that you'd never guess what it was until it was too late. It could be a submarine that sinks cruise ships. It could be a lone guy with a flamethrower that burns down all of Montana. It could be a remote controlled machine gun like in the movie "The Jackal".
via The Top 100 Terrorist Targets in the United States [Lilith Gallery]