Is That a Billy Club in Your Pocket or Are You Just Happy I'm Breaking the Law?
As if going to a strip club isn't entirely removed from reality already, a new rule about to pass in Seattle will separate it even farther: lap dancers must stay four feet away from their johns ... er, customers at all times.
One police officer had to go undercover to see if the ladies respect the law:
Seattle likely to approve limits on lap dances [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]
One police officer had to go undercover to see if the ladies respect the law:
Seattle officials publicly have said the clubs bring vice problems to the neighborhoods. In statements filed with the finance committee, several Seattle police detectives cited anecdotal evidence of dancers overstepping legal restrictions on performances.
One officer, identified as B. James, paid for lap dances apparently as part of an investigation. He wrote: "The dancers most often begin by straddling me from the front and placing their genitals over my genitals and grinding back and forth.
"They also grab and caress their breasts while they are exposed."
Seattle likely to approve limits on lap dances [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]