Good Will Trespassing

July 29:
3:23 p.m.—Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) officers responded to a report of an individual riding a bike through Harvard Yard while pulling another bike behind. The officers determined that neither bike belonged to the daredevil, who was sent away with a no-trespass warning for all of Harvard University. The bikes were impounded.
10:01 p.m.—An officer went to investigate reports of a person using a cigarette lighter to defile a sign at the Kennedy School of Government. The officer searched the person and subsequently confiscated a small amount of a dry, leafy substance.
July 30:
2:40 a.m.—Officers were dispatched to Harvard Yard to investigate a call reporting public urination. But the alleged Peeing Tom had left by the time the officers arrived.
9:29 p.m.—HUPD officers investigated reports of two individuals throwing water balloons at unsuspecting passersby from an Eliot House balcony. One of the bombardiers was issued a no-trespass warning for Harvard University; the other’s case was to be reviewed internally.
July 31:
3:18 a.m.—Officers were dispatched to deal with a suspicious individual wandering around in the area of Farlow Herbarium and Library. It was determined that the person was simply lost. Officers escorted the individual off the property.
2:43 p.m.—A HUPD officer investigated reports of a musician soliciting money for playing an instrument outside of Holworthy Hall. Prior to the officer’s arrival, the alleged musician had departed, taking his music with him.
August 1:
5:16 a.m.—The Cambridge Police Department (CPD) requested HUPD assistance in dealing with persons throwing bottles from the decrepit, mock-Flemish facilities of the Harvard Lampoon, a semi-secret Sorrento Square social organization that occasionally used to publish a so-called humor magazine.
2:30 p.m.—HUPD officers responded to a report of a past assault at Ad ams House. The officers determined a face slap had occurred. Both slapper and slappee were identified, and no criminal complaint was filed against either.
August 2:
3:01 p.m.—HUPD officers responded to the alleged theft of an Elo Entuitive touchscreen monitor from Paine Hall.
3:50 p.m—Officers were dispatched to a Longwood Avenue bike rack, where individuals were reported behaving suspiciously. When the officers approached, one individual fled the scene with a bike. After a short pursuit, the individual, a juvenile, was apprehended for larceny and malicious destruction.
August 3:
2:40 p.m.—A HUPD officer stopped near Mass. Hall an individual who refused walk his bike through the Yard. Upon further investigation it was discovered that the bike rider was carrying a Class D narcotic and had three default warrants. The individual was identified as Andre Garvin, 20, of Cambridge, and he was arrested for a drug law violation.
Police Log [Harvard Crimson Online]