"And then there is Blottered ... vintage and modern crime from everyday life. Delish!" - Aparatchik
"Staden Baltimore har alltid framstått som lite skr�¤mmande, helt och hållet resultatet av kriminalserier som "Uppdrag: Mord" och den på SVT nyligen avslutade och suverna "The Wire" (andra ssongen, hoppas treanr inköpt!)." - mymarkup.net
"Andrew Krukoff, one of my favorite NYC blogger types, has launched Blottered, a group-written crime blog."
Susan Mernit
"For those who like a good read and some photos [check out] Blottered." - Jonathan Coulton
"Next time you're out in the blogosphere strolling around, looking for some excitement, take a trip over to Blottered. It's pretty much the closest thing to 'Cops in a Blog.' " - Blogebrity
"Wow, there's about a thousand interesting things here I want to check out." - Blithely We Go