Hot for Chelsea : 1785 days late and a few marbles short

A court-ordered report from the District of Columbia Department of Mental Health said Shawn Cox, 29, of Mammoth Spring believed that Chelsea Clinton still lived at the White House, and that he was destined to marry her.
Says Robert Benedetti, licensed clinical psychologist, of Cox: he's "grossly psychotic and manic."
C'mon, Benedetti, that's kind of harsh, don't you think? Just 'cause Cox has the mega-hots for Chelsea shouldn't automatically mean he's batshit nuts. Maybe "in possession of questionable taste"...but certainly not psychotic. Afterall, she's cleaned up kinda good since them White House days, no?
Man Arrested at White House Reportedly Interested in Chelsea Clinton (ABC 7 News)
White House Fence Jumper Was Looking for Chelsea Clinton (
(Special thanks to my awesome, secret source!)