I Wanda...I wanda steal your shit.

Like something out of Ocean's Eleven, these thieves have an iron-clad plan to break into heavily guarded winter vacation homes and locate even the most covert of hiding places.
Says Ruth Daymon, an area semi-resident and recent victim:
"I'd left [around $20,000 worth of jewerly] on the nightstand"While still in her home, Daymon confronted the thief, a short, heavy-set woman dressed in pastel capris, and was almost fooled into believing the quick-witted alibi:The burglar...came into the house through an unlocked door in the garage that led to the house.
The woman said: "I Wanda," and then "Work, work," Daymon recalled.
A "funny feeling" incited Daymon to pursue the cunning con: "I didn't know she had my good jewelry at the time or I would have run faster."
Unfortunately in this case, Daymon was no match for the gazelle-like speed with which the thief padded down the driveway and slipped into a rented budget car, helmed by a slick accomplice.
When asked why this new wave of thieves is targeting Floridian residents, Collier sheriff's Cpl. Dennis Huff said, "The weather is nice this time of year."
Law officers warn of traveling burglars (Naples Daily News)