George Clooney, The FBI, The Mob, Vegas, Horses and Tits, Oh My...

The allure of a big breasted woman proves too much for Mr. Clooney, as The Globe's Paul Bannister reports on January 9th.
"Federal agents looking into Mob racketeering and extortion in Las Vegas made George Clooney an offer he couldn't refuse.Wow. This is great. The circle is complete.
They called in the Ocean's 11 star to ask him about his friendship with a strip club owner they're investigating for links to organized crime.
Also swept up in the Fed's investigation were Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, who were also questioned".
The club in question is the infamous Crazy Horse Too, purportedly owned by Rick Rizzolo.
A club that Mayor Goodman of Vegas in 2002 sponsored a custom ordinance for, allowing an expansion, and the employ of teenage dancers. God bless his heart. Mayor Goodman is the former Mob Lawyer, who represented many luminaries of this business, most notably slain mobster Tony (The Ant) Spilotro.
Coincidentally, Spilotro was the character Pesci portrayed in Casino pretty accurately, right down to the beating death in the cornfield via a baseball bat. Remember that scene? That was mad fucked up. Makes me cringe now just thinking about it.
If these names and places sound familiar, you might have seen the Dateline segment on the Crazy Horse Too a few years ago. The one detailing Robert D'Apiece's assault on Henry Kirk, which left him paralyzed. Or more recently, this piece in the Daily News.
This place, and the people who work there, do NOT fuck around.
You walk in to have some beers and capture some good material for your sock, and you
"In 1985 [Robert D'Apiece] pleaded guilty to battering a Crazy Horse client with a baseball bat. The man suffered brain damage and died several years later."When we go to the Mardi Gras here in my neck of the woods, they treat us a bit nicer, simply asking us to leave as opposed to breaking our necks, when the dancer told on us for leaving her quarters instead of dollars. Whatever, she's lucky she got those. She had no business being on stage.
Former Las Vegas city councilman Steve Miller says the police in Vegas had responded to the Crazy Horse 737 times in one three year period, often having to do with beatings of clients and charges of false credit card bills. There have yet to be any criminal prosecutions of any involved.
That's funny, they say the Mob left Vegas years ago...
Well no matter. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Party on.
George Clonney Grilled in Vegas. (The Globe)