Much like how the word "star" is being abused by the likes of Kevin (The Original Babby-daddy) Federline, Paris (Triple Threat
and Hole) Hilton, Lindsay (
Beep, beep) Lohan, Britney Spears, Olivia Newton-John, Michelle Kwon, the iPod, Simon Cowell, Steve Jobs, Mesothelioma, Tom Cruise, any porn actress, and
large former talk-show hosts married to presumably gay men (Ms. Jones, I'm looking at you, not all at once obviously), the word "spree" seems to be falling in valuation.
"A trio of Winnipeggers have been arrested for their alleged role in a weekend crime spree that involved breaking into a hotel room, stealing a purse from a party, and trying to cash a forged cheque." Cnews.com
Bonnie and Clyde are weeping at the patheticness they hath wrought.