Friday, June 23, 2006

How Do You Put A Corporation In Jail?

You don't. You can't. It's only a piece of paper that exists, most likely, in some back room of a drab looking state building in Delaware. A small white piece of paper, with more rights than a person, yet without the unfortunate application of responsibilty and accountability that we ourselves have to be saddled with.

I want to be a corporation.

"Drugmaker Merck & Co.'s research facility in West Point dumped a chemical compound that included cyanide into the sewer system, killing more than 1,000 fish in Wissahickon Creek, federal authorities said Thursday."

"It's hard to believe that a huge company like Merck would take this long to get to the bottom of such a serious problem," said Tracy Carluccio of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, a nonprofit environmental group.

Um, actually, no. It's not.

And than, as if on cue from the devil himself, "A week after a contaminant was released into the Wissahickon Creek, killing more than 1,000 fish, malfunctions at the Ambler sewage treatment plant Monday night sent 55,000 gallons of raw sewage into the waterway."

  • Philadelphia Inquirer

  • Merck & Company Inc.
    West Point Facility
    P.O. Box 4
    770 Sumneytown Pike
    West Point, PA 19486
    Montgomery County

    Steven C. Wittmer
    Director, Site Environmental Management
    Merck & Co. Inc. - West Point
    215-652-3931 (fax)