True crime books: Put up your dukes

Among the sins one can commit, hating your brother is not even up there. Cain slewing Abel and all comes the obvious mind but that's killing (#6). Luke and Bo Duke got into were pretty good scraps but nothing a C&W tune couldn't set straight.
Killings recounted from books of superstition and car chases out of TV are well and good and highly enjoyable, but at the end of the day, it's all in the family. But not for Anne Bird, one tough bitch, evidenced by her book Blood Brother: 33 Reasons My Brother Scott Peterson Is Guilty, a true crime book whose description goes thusly:
"What happens if, after being given up for adoption in childhood, you reestablish contact with your biological family -- only to discover that your newfound brother is a killer?"
Also, if you'd like to review "Who's Afraid of a Large Black Man" by Charles Barkley for's Justice Books Series, please send it to Feel free to not read it and just make shit up. I'm sure he did.