Monday, July 18, 2005

Fraud War, What's It Good For

For twenty plus years, Ted Richardson has resolved and prevented fraud. He currently maintains a blog to provide a forum where people can become aware of the most current scams and find resources to protect themselves. He's the man who will WAIT and WOOF for you (War Against Identity Theft and War On Online Fraud). You can read about the Russian, Nigerian, Asian, Armenian and Mexican organizations that are the biggest players among organized fraud gangs or nod in agreement with Mr. Richardson's Farewell Mr. Ebbers (WorldCom) letter when he says "Justice has spoken and you face 25 years in prison...Seeing you cry broke my heart, but what about all the people you caused to lose 180 billion dollars worth of their hard earned money? What about the 20,000 employees, who trusted you only to lose their jobs due to your greed?" Rot in hell bastard. (My words and emphasis.) Blottered salutes Ted Richardson and his efforts to better inform the public. We haven't enjoyed watching businessmen in expensive suits and handcuffs this much since the late 80's when Charlie Sheen muttered, "Blue Horse Shoe Loves Anacot Steel."

Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds