Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Lawyer To Serve 2,400 Big Ones

It can bring a warm smile, even to a toe-tagged cold one, when hearing about a lawyer being sentenced to 80 months in federal prison. The judge must have shot a caseload under his black robe when doling that one out. It's like, "hey scumbag, you're going to jail for EIGHTY, count 'em, EHHH-TEEE, months." Of course, six and two-thirds years doesn't sound quite as imposing, but I would have gone with 2,400 days. This case had all the makings of a bad episode of The Rockford Files: corrupt lawyer making deals with city council and waste management companies, real estate schemes with construction companies, and a hot daughter caught in the middle. (I don't really know if she's hot but I imagine her being played by Colette Bertrand.) There's also good usage of bagman, kickbacks, and waste-hauling contracts to spice up the dialogue.
Lawyer sentenced to 80 months in prison for role as bagman in corruption plot [LawFuel]