Friday, July 01, 2005

Upskirt, downmarket

It used to be that the category of choice for The Subject I'd Most Like to Be an Expert On was Dune Buggies and the Low-Flying Helicopters That Chase Them, but now I'm thinking 100-Pound Bags of Coke Dropped From a Cessna is the new "it" shit. Such happens in Dallas Hudgens' book about a juvenile delinquent and wayward youth, Drive Like Hell. Hudgens' blog also features a kinda hot picture of two waitresses in a knife fight, the description of which notes how the eyeshadow of one of the ladies matches her panties. Attention to details like this, ladies, is the way to a man's heart. This whole thing is not really hardcore crime, but I have a soft spot for brawling and it's Friday, a night for fighting.