"A British model turned Los Angeles bounty-hunter who inspired an upcoming movie has died of undetermined causes in Hollywood but the studio said on Thursday it planned to go ahead with its August release."
"And then there is Blottered ... vintage and modern crime from everyday life. Delish!" - Aparatchik
"Staden Baltimore har alltid framstått som lite skr�¤mmande, helt och hållet resultatet av kriminalserier som "Uppdrag: Mord" och den på SVT nyligen avslutade och suverna "The Wire" (andra ssongen, hoppas treanr inköpt!)." - mymarkup.net
"Andrew Krukoff, one of my favorite NYC blogger types, has launched Blottered, a group-written crime blog."
Susan Mernit
"For those who like a good read and some photos [check out] Blottered." - Jonathan Coulton
"Next time you're out in the blogosphere strolling around, looking for some excitement, take a trip over to Blottered. It's pretty much the closest thing to 'Cops in a Blog.' " - Blogebrity
"Wow, there's about a thousand interesting things here I want to check out." - Blithely We Go