Friday, July 01, 2005

The Murder Bear Chronicles

This kid hasn't committed any crimes YET, but any 11th grader into science fiction and fantasy literature this much has a 50/50 chance of Columbining the joint or at the very least, having a helluva wedding night.
SQUID: Quite some time ago, you were working on a very entertaining series called, I believe, “The Murder Bear Chronicles.” What can you tell us about Murder Bear? Any chance The Squid will be visited by him anytime soon?

KK: Murder Bear is a small, medium-sized teddy bear with cybernetic implants. He escaped from a laboratory and vowed revenge upon all of humanity for his mistreatment. He might make a guest appearance in The Squid if he can find time out of his busy schedule of world domination. I’ll give him a call.
Featured Author Interview: Kurt Kunz [The Squid]
Previously, in some other dimension: Review of Genesis "Foxtrot" in Hebrew
Note: If you must know, I did a Google search for murder squid and this interview was third in the results.