The call went out for
new Blottered contributors the other day and the response was overwhelming...in opposite world. It's been one of the tougher recruitment seasons but three daring souls scribbled their names on the sign-up sheet tacked to the bulletin board outside of the gym. First we have Ms. X (and with that you know as much I do about her or him), then there's
Jackson West of
SFist fame who got his start at Blottered as a
sweaty cover model, and lastly we get another lit-type in the form of
Swash Bookler. Yes, they sound like a gang that specializes in knocking over museums.
If anyone is still interested in joining this ether-rag, toe-tag outfit, it's pretty much open enrollment around here. Get your name on the masthead and enjoy the traffic swells that come from links on
Jalopnik, and the
Whatevs Bourgeoisie blogroll. Just send an email to the tip line. Thanks.