Van Halen vs. Baltimore Orioles: VHBO2M05

These aging rockers are metal's equivalent of the stay-at-home Connecticut mom who bakes Libby's Pumpkin Roll from the Toll House cookbook for the Sunday school bake sale just to make some extra folding money because her "real" job -- raising the kids -- doesn't pay very well. One can't help but wonder if this lawsuit is merely to offset their sagging second ventures, Hagar's vomitous tequila concoctions and Michael Anthony's ass-watering barbecue sauce. Plus, Eddie needs hip replacement ... cuz that hair is circa 1992. Can I get a rim shot, puleeze.
The softened metal gods' attempt to sully America's pastime is shameful. Excuse me while I depart to fire up the 1976 "Bad News Bears" and replay, on a continuous loop, the wisdom of a real man:
Kelly Leak: "I got a Harley-Davidson. Does that turn you on? A Harley-Davidson?"