Nothing really starts your day off right as does a big picture of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on the front page of your local paper. And to find that
Whip City itself is the center of attention, well...lemme tell you.
According to TMZ, "...the FBI and Massachusetts authorities raided a Westfield, Mass. home Tuesday night and seized photos of a baby shower held by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt."

But according to the local paper here,
"The FBI somehow got left out of all the fun. Michael G. O'Reilly, supervisor of the FBI's Western Massachusetts office, said yesterday his agency had not been involved, as did Enfield Police Chief Carl J. Sferrazza."No matter. For those of you not familiar with this very important case, it goes like this. Jolie's brother took the offending photos. His camera was broken so he brought it back to Best Buy so that they could fix it. Best Buy sent the camera, with the memory stick still in place, to Precision Camera and Video repair in
Enfield Conn. Why you might ask did the Best Buy in LA send the camera, literally, all the way across the country? Well, actually, your guess is as good as mine, though the store does claim online to be the largest camera repair facility in North America, and they do repair warranty repair for all the major camera manufactures.
Again according to TMZ, "...two employees at Precision, Bill Keyes and Adam Beckwith, discovered the pictures in the digital camera. We're told that Keyes told authorities that Beckwith downloaded the photos."
Keyes than floated a balloon out to
Celebrity Baby Blog and others, attempting to ascertain the value of his sweet find.

But somebody dropped on a dime on him, and that's when the authorities in LA contacted the authorities out here, and a search warrant was served on Keyes home. The photos now sit safely in the Wesfield Police Department, awaiting a safe return to their rightful owners. I imagine they will be escorted back to Jolie on Air Force one itself.
TMZ: Police Raids Over Jolie-Pitt Baby Shower]