Friday, June 17, 2005

Craigslist: Not just for rando hook-up fucks but for justice

Up in Putnam Valley, NY, someone named Frank Aquino done gone and dog gone kicked, "like a football," a deaf dog to death. What can you do? kgrossman implores you to "Unite and send faxes, e mails and letters to make sure this COWARD pays for his CRIME !! ROXI'S death MUST BE VINDICATED!"

I would have said "Roxi's DEATH must be VINDICATED," you know, to put the emphasis on the cruelty and justice stuff, rather than the fact that someone gave their dog a hooker's name.
[ed: I am stupid and have been corrected. Roxanne is a hooker's name and Roxi is that of a stripper. Touche, commenter]