Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Cemetery Ingrates

In 8th grade I did a science project on the weathering effects of tombstones in cities vs. suburbs. (Picked it out of a hat passed around by the teacher, I swear.) I visited cemeteries in DC and suburban Maryland and kept a journal of the physical condition of tombstones dating back as far as I could find. I then compared my notes (or, "observations") of similarly aged tombstones from city and suburb to find any differences. As I recall, the city ones were in better condition and my dad suggested the reason was "less wind erosion" for the city stones due to congestion of tall buildings as opposed to the wide open fields of the 'burbs. Full of shit, but it got me an A. Looking back, it probably had more to do with bored kids listening to the Misfits and fucking shit up.

"Whoever they were, they couldn't possibly have known these people (buried here)," he said. "What enjoyment could you get out of doing that?" Fairview Cemetery Board Member

Let's do the math: 10 Beer Cans + Night Driving Around Central Pennsylvania = Vandals damage Arendtsville cemetery [Evening Sun (Hanover, PA)]