A hotel fire in
Williston North Dakota Thursday morning forced the evacuation of 160 people and gave some dude who works at the hotel a fuckin heart attack. The fire
was started in a room at the Travel Host Motel, by some tweakers cooking up meth. Not surprising that they started a fire, since they're tweakers and since the cooking of meth
involves some highly flammable liquids. [Note -- those instructions for cooking meth might be completely fake. I started to get suspicious around when you're supposed to scrape the phosphorus off of the matches, as it seems like the kind of thing one would make up.]
Anyway, they
set the room on fire and split, leaving behind their lab. It's hard for my brain to fully parse the reality of being a speed freak in the middle of rural fucking nowhere. Wouldn't you be more likely to want to be a heroin addict? Maybe relaxing is not the problem. It's just that there's not fuckovalot to do. Why would you want to stay up for days doing nothing?
--Special Meth Correspondent, Jim Nachlin