A Pittsburgh-area T-ball coach paid one of his players to pull a Tonya Harding on one of his
own teammates. The hit-man offer was twenty-five bucks, which I imagine doesn't go very far even on a suburban 8 year old's budget, to make sure a disabled kid didn't get to play in the game and hurt their chances of winning. He was hit in the head and groin before the game. In the realm of shameful sports behavior, I'd say this scores somewhere between Pete Rose's gambling habits and Kermit Washington's
near-death suckerpunch on Rudy Tomjanovich in a 1977 NBA game.
One curious rule of the T-ball league requires every player to participate in 3 innings per game. THREE innings? T-ball?? That's an eternity. Maybe the kids are more skilled these days but the T-ball games of my youth felt like one long free-form jazz exploration, if you will, with Heather Doyle sitting on her glove in right field the whole time.
Police: Coach paid kid to hurt disabled teammate [SI.com]