I Keep A Diary (With Apologies to Brian Battjer)
You get a lot of time to compose your thoughts in jail after committing two murders. Unfortunately, there is no "spellcheck" in a life behind bars.
Diary of a Murder Defendant [CourtTV]
Police interviews reveal split personality of self-proclaimed 'hit man' [CourtTV]
Not Related At All: Brian Battjer's I Keep A Diary
April 9, 2004Lots more where this comes from and it just gets sadder. Kids, stay in school and learn to spell.I fill bad for the peoples fameles that I killed. I want them to know to know Im sorry maybe they will forgive me some day may be get into some shit with the mexocans I hear that they will stik some one over a pack of smokes. Then well see if these little bastards will leave me alone at least I have lots of company. My celly is kind of cool if not ill kill him to it don't mater any more how can I stop it. Some one help me please.
Diary of a Murder Defendant [CourtTV]
Police interviews reveal split personality of self-proclaimed 'hit man' [CourtTV]
Not Related At All: Brian Battjer's I Keep A Diary