NYU Professor Turns to Ludes

The summation of John Buettner Janusch by the site CLEWS: The Historic True Crime Blog, run by classy auburn-locked broad Laura James, is must-reading, what all Justice shoulda been doing 'stead of humming along on Jacko and Nick Nolte. (It's also a far cry holla from what we here do.)
In a decidedly New York state of mind, Janusch, one-time chair of NYU's anthropology department, was using the school lab to make LSD and quaaludes back lo in 1979. The Professor Madman was busted and sent up the river for a time out sans coeds. But he had plans. Like the feared pop quiz, Janusch was set to spring something on those what done him wrong. Devilish, indeed.
Trip out to the bitter finale of Janusch and the judge who sentenced him at "The Very Nutty Professor" at CLEWS.