The Guns of Crofton

In the heat of an argument over the family's ailing black poodle, police say, the teenage son of a federal agent strapped on his father's body armor, camouflage gear and service weapon early yesterday, walked into the kitchen of their Crofton home and fired at his parents, then fled in their car.
This happened about 4 hours before I got a phone call from Jessica Coen asking if I could guest-edit Gawker for a couple of days. It's just one block from the home I grew up in and where I am currently situated for the holidays. I once had a Washington Post paper route that included this house. I didn't hear about this story until I saw the article this morning. Damn, Crofton is EDGY!
Of note: the family had only moved here a month ago, the father is a DEA agent, and the son ran for cover where they previously lived - Jersey, of course.
Crofton Teen Shot at Parents, Police Say [Washington Post]