Keira Knightley is dead?

"A British model turned Los Angeles bounty-hunter who inspired an upcoming movie has died of undetermined causes in Hollywood but the studio said on Thursday it planned to go ahead with its August release."
Hoskins misinterpreted John Ellingson's attempt to scare away teenagers pranksters coming to toilet-paper his house by rigging his yard with noisemakers that sounded like gunfire...."[Ellingson] reasonably believed that [Hoskins] was a raging lunatic," Oswald said. "That provoked the attack from Mr. Ellingson."Y'know, where I grew up, the farmers had shotguns loaded with rocksalt to chase us off of their property. Ain't no Statie gonna fuck with that.
But when Blackwell's parents - retired accountant Brian Blackwell, 71, and his wife Jacqueline, 60 - prevented him securing the money he needed to keep up his story, he beat them with a claw hammer and stabbed them up to 30 times with a kitchen knife at their £350,000 bungalow in the affluent village of Melling, on Merseyside.What drove him to do this? Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Some of the diagnostic criteria for this mental disorder are illusions of grandiosity and self-importance; obsession with affluence, success, and sexual performance; and agility with clawhammers. You can find out if you're suffering from NPD here. I know I'm most certainly not--it just seems that way because I'm wildly successful and a really great lay, to boot.
Don't end up like these guys. [Why are they all leaning?--Ed.]
When I say it's easy to avoid arrest, this is what I mean: a legitimate hooker will usually walk down the sidewalk, while an undercover police woman posing as a hooker has to plant herself at the same spot the whole time she's out there. You can't very well have a parade of backup officers following her, can you?
"Mr Sacco," he said, "you've got to let me in. You know very well that your house has been repossessed." Sacco replied, "Wait here a minute." Then he went to get a hunting rifle from his collection of 30 guns [Always choose the right tool for the job--Ed.] and shot the surveyor in the face. Standing on his balcony, Sacco then began firing at passers-by. The first to be wounded was Matilda Panicali, a lawyer, shot in the back as she drove past the house. The man in the car behind said: "The lady's Fiat suddenly stopped. I didn't understand why. [Because for once, it wasn't due to mechanical failure--Ed.] I looked up, and on the balcony I saw a man in a green shirt and khaki trousers [Hm, this man is about to shoot me; I wonder what he's wearing?--Ed] with a hunting rifle in his hand."The carabinieri were finally to apprehend Sacco, who they found sitting on a sofa in his underpants."They wanted to take everything from me," he said. "They wanted to take my house." But they can never take my pants, he added.
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A SLED helicopter descended at about 11:40 a.m. to drop off two bomb technicians and left about seven minutes later, once they had unloaded. They soon removed the contents of the package and saw there was no bomb inside. Actually, there were two vibrators. "We don't ever just open something," said special agent Jim Lowder, one of the bomb specialists. Lowder declined to go into specifics about examining the package, citing security procedures.I used to work in this town. It's one of those places where the cops look like Cooter and all they do is hand out speeding tickets to everyone who passes through the 20 MPH zone. This must have been like Christmas and their birthday put together.
"Everyone's been very supportive, and I'm very happy about it," said a smiling Officer June Lo, who, until earlier this week, was known as Officer John Lo.I'm happy for J.Lo, but it blows my mind that the NYPD would be so accepting of this, given its
On Dec. 4, 1982, a deeply suntanned man, about 40 years old, walked into the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Boise, Idaho, and readied himself for confession. He never got a chance to recount his sins to the priest. As he waited – perhaps not realizing it would be several minutes before the confessional was available, or perhaps despairing of the condition of his soul – the man swallowed a cyanide capsule. A few minutes later, he was dead.And that's just the first paragraph.
The horror of the attack spurred nationwide media coverage, an outpouring
of community support for Hade and greater focus on sex offenders. Through it
all, his family kept his name from being publicly revealed.
In the years since the attack, Hade lived every day like there wouldn’t
be another, his family and friends said this week.
“He survived something that was extreme and consequently he lived his life extreme,” said his mother, Helen Harlow, who became a children’s rights
crusader after helping start the Tennis Shoe Brigade. “You cheat death once, you
figure you can cheat it just about any time you want.”
Twelve policemen were injured and three of their cars destroyed when a crowd of some 200 people - mostly women - apparently tried to free an alleged thief arrested by police in a Naples suburb. Three women - a mother and her two daughters - were arrested on Monday evening and have been charged with causing grievious damage, resisting arrest and injuring public officers, as well as aiding and abetting crime, Italian state radio, Radio 1, reported.Twelve cops! And Italian cops aren't exactly finocchio. Moral of the story: Do not fuck with the women of Naples; we will cut you. (Via Mob Magazine.)
"Joe Shillaci is a super hero to me, he isn't fearless, he's a straight up modern day renegade who's willing to risk his life to solve a murder case. He's a master of undercover work, he's experienced loss and set backs and he has overcome! GO JOE, YOU"RE MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
". . . and yes although each of you have wonderful character and your own style it is the style of Srg Joe Schillaci that has won my heart .. Great Passion wonderful character and he really really cares .. i loved seeing him react and think and listen so intently always thinking ( love da guy he just sizzles and always makes me smile ) . . ."